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How Green Are We?


How Green Are We?

Here at Craven Consultancy Services, we believe in continuous improvement and always want to better ourselves and our business practices. Following an internal audit, it came to our attention that we could do more to become a more sustainable business.

Our newly formed Green Team, Abi and Tonie, have been looking at what we already do, what we can do better and how we implement these changes.

So what do we already do at CCS to be green?

  • Remote working
  • Car share
  • Try to be paperless
  • Online meetings where possible

Whilst this is a good start we realise there is still more we could be doing. Our Green Team has been working behind the scenes to come up with a Sustainability Plan. Part of that plan was to conduct a sustainability audit from which they have come up with actions that we are aiming to implement over the next 6 months.

We’ve already gained Good Business Charter Accreditation to show that Craven Consultancy Services is committed to demonstrating responsible practices including real living wage, fairer hours and contracts, employee wellbeing, employee representation, diversity and inclusion, environmental responsibility, paying fair tax, commitment to customers, ethical sourcing and prompt payment.

Whilst conducting research our Green Team found that our company pension is sustainable and they are making their pensions net zero. Find out if yours is too on Make My Money Matter. 

How are we becoming more green?

  • Developing bitesize training to deliver to the team on a monthly basis
  • Ensuring that Sustainability is at the forefront of what we do
  • Implementing further Sustainability measures such as sourcing sustainable business resources e.g. recycled paper, folders and ink cartridges
  • Reducing the amount of energy we use e.g. turning all switches off at our Pod
  • Replacing the bins in the Pod with recycling bins
  • Improving employee engagement

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