
HSE publishes annual work-related ill health and injury statistics for 2022/23

Nearly two million workers in Great Britain reported suffering from work-related ill health in 2022/23.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has published its annual statistics on work-related ill health and workplace injuries.

The statistics reveal that 1.8 million workers reported they were suffering from work-related ill health in 2022/23, with approximately half of the cases down to stress, depression or anxiety.

HSE publishes annual work-related ill health and injury statistics for 2022/23 | HSE Media Centre

Workplace Wellbeing – Create an Open & Inclusive Culture

Workplace Wellbeing – Craven Consultancy Services

Bring Positive Mental Health to the Forefront

To develop a Positive Wellbeing Culture – Senior Management must lead to initiate and support a workplace culture that embraces health in all aspects and doesn’t differentiate mental health and physical health at any costs. This will encourage the employees of mental health issues to come forward without any fear of discrimination.

Health & Wellbeing Strategy – The Business Case

There is always a degree of resistance with regards to employee wellbeing; workplace wellbeing strategies and initiatives, particularly for SME’s – there is always something more important to spend the money on, or is there?

Traditionally, when articulating the business case for managing people’s health, employers focused on quantifying the negative impact of ill health such as the cost of sickness absence. Recent thinking reflects a more positive business case, and growing evidence showing a positive link between the introduction of wellness programmes in the workplace and improved engagement and performance levels.

There’s no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to designing a health and wellbeing strategy; its content should be based on the unique needs and characteristics of the organisation and its workforce. If you are interested in what we can offer, let’s simply have a chat, if you are interested.

How can We Help You – Our Workplace Wellbeing Toolkit including your Company Risk Assessment

Workplace Wellbeing ‘Stress Risk Assessment’ Strategy & Toolkit – Craven Consultancy Services

What’s included?

Within this ‘Toolkit’ we will give you positive strategies on how to implement a ‘Workplace Wellbeing Strategy’.

We will outline the roles and responsibilities within a business. We include legislation, data and facts and benefits about ‘Supporting Mental Health at Work’.

We give you a comprehensive list of Workplace Wellbeing Ideas and Strategies; including a complete guide to ‘Mental Health Resources Toolkit’.


Let us guide you in the right direction for your Health & Safety, HR and training needs.

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