
Hand Arm Vibration (HAV)

About the course

Outline: Designed for personnel who use portable hand held and fixed equipment which emits vibration.

Objectives:  To understand how using certain tools and equipment in the workplace can cause ill health to the individuals who use them if not managed and controlled

What’s Covered?

1. What is Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome?

2. What type of tool will put me at risk?

3. When is it hazardous?

4. Health effects it can cause?

a. What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
b. Early symptoms
c. Effects

5. Symptoms of HAV

6. Relevant Regulations

a. Control of Vibration Regulations 2005
b. What the law says

7. Monitoring vibration exposure

a. Technology
b. Value of continuous monitoring

8. Benefits of HAVS Management

9. Responsibilities

a. Line Manager
b. Employee

10. Health surveillance

a. Managing Health surveillance
b. The Points System
c. Rules of Thumb (Trigger times)
d. Traffic Lights System
e. Exposure Points System/Ready Reckoner

11. Manufacturers Duties

12. Employer Control Measures

13. How can I help reduce risks?

Learning Objectives

Working in association with Saltaire Training Services. 

Course details: 

Duration: 0.5 days

Venue details

Location: Shipley, West Yorkshire

Enquiry form