
Eco-safe Driving

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Just by making little changes to our daily behaviour we can all contribute towards making a big difference to our planet. One change we can make is with our driving style, because the fuel you use in your vehicle contributes towards your carbon footprint. You can greatly increase the efficiency of every journey you take by using eco-safe driving, which not only benefits the environment but also saves you pounds at the pump!

Eco-safe driving: What is it?

Vehicle emissions and fuel consumption are a big concern among car owners, and the more we spend on fuel the more emissions are released. Eco-safe driving is a more efficient and planet friendly style of driving. This covers a range of driving elements:

  • How much weight is in your carExhaust fumes
  • How harshly you accelerate
  • How late and heavily you brake
  • Leaving a safe distance to the car Infront
  • Enhancing fuel consumption by reverse parking
  • Not leaving your engine running unnecessarily
  • Checking how inflated your tyres are
  • Planning your routes ahead of time

How can I use eco-safe driving?

There are 3 main stages of eco-safe driving that you should know about:

  1. Planning ahead – Try to use roads that will let you maintain regular and more consistent speeds and check for traffic or potential hazards such as closed roads, roadworks or accidents online beforehand.
  2. Maintenance and Checks – Check your tyres! While making sure you have enough tread will improve your grip, you should also check your tyre pressure. The correct pressure means more efficiency. Increased weight will also use more fuel so take out anything in your car that is unnecessary.
  3. Reducing Energy Used – When you are accelerating is when the most energy is being expended, using fuel and creating emissions. Try accelerating less harshly, only use your heating or air con when absolutely necessary and keep your windows up. Braking more gently will also allow you to conserve more energy and accelerate less.

By using these tips you will quickly see the savings in your bank account. Not only that but your brake pads will last much longer, other components in your car will need less maintaining and the planet will appreciate the contribution to a less polluted atmosphere.

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